Candidate Meet and Greet

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Name: Candidate Meet and Greet
Date: February 5, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CST
Event Description:
The Walker County Republican Women (WCRW) are hosting a Candidate Meet and Greet for local and State Representative District 12 candidates, running on the March 5, 2024, Republican Primary Ballot. The Meet and Greet will be held Monday February 5, 2024, at the Walker Education Building, lower-level, Gibbs Hall and begins at 5:30p.m.
1402 19th St., Huntsville, Texas 77340 Walker Education Ctr, Gibbs Hall
Date/Time Information:
February 5, 2024, at 5:30p.m.
Contact Information:
Patti Utley, Vice-President, WCRW 281-222-4559
The event is free and open to the public.
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