On Friday, May 19th, golfers adorned with glow necklaces and such, will light up the course as they participate in the 20th Annual Shot in the Dark Night Golf Tournament, sponsored by Iron Brothers Metals. The tournament is held each year at SH Bearkat Course (formerly known as Raven Nest Golf Club) in Huntsville, Texas.
The Huntsville-Walker County Chamber of Commerce will bring this tournament unlike any other to Huntsville as the sun begins to set over Huntsville. The format is a 4 person scramble that begins at 4:00 p.m. with the first nine "Daylight Holes" and the second nine "Nightlight Holes" begin at dusk. Dinner will be served in between as well as the Helicopter Golf Ball Drop where we drop 600 balls on the course. Anyone can purchase a golf ball, whether a golfer or not, for the chance to WIN cash prizes!
Check in begins at 3:00. Team registration is only $500 and includes 2 golf carts per team of 4, dinner, snacks, beverages, glow accessories and so much more! Call 936-295-8113, email
lgreen@huntsvillewalkerchamber.com for more information or click below for the registration form. We are limited to 36 teams and remember we usually sell out so don't delay!